La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Decimos que gran parte de la tecnología de hoy esta aplicada a la localización porque las computadores, aparatos móviles(celulares) y aplicaciones contienen tecnología que permite ubicar geográficamente al usuario, sus acciones, o la posición de sitios, referencias y objetos. Todo en tiempo real.
Algunos ejemplos de estas tecnologías de geolocalización son los siguientes.
Si tu te encuentras navegando en el internet, en búsqueda de información, se puede saber tu ubicación por medio de la dirección IP.
Cuando haces una llamada telefónica, se puede rastrear tu ubicación .
El clásico ejemplo son los dispositivos GPS, como cuando usas el Weiss y los mapas para encontrar direcciones y llegar a un sitio en particular.
Cuando compras un artículo o pagas una cuenta con una tarjeta de crédito, la institución bancaria sabe dónde estás, porque eres ubicable todo el tiempo.
Cuando usas tus redes sociales y pones tu ubicación en el celular o teléfono móvil. todo el mundo sabe dónde estás.
a nonprofit organization.
A non-profit agency usually referred to as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is a non-profit and voluntarily inclined groups which is independent of governmental influence and policies. They're usually set-up for humanitarian purposes.
In this scenario, a Jewish religious leader called a rabbi teaches classes about the Hebrew Bible in a place of Jewish worship called a synagogue. Thus, the rabbi is most likely employed by a nonprofit organization.
Some other examples of non-profit organizations are Better Business Bureau, Consumers Union etc.
A good place for reviewers to start is with:
<u>A. an analysis of the work's context</u>.
The work of a reviewer can become really strenuous when the work is too extensive or complex, so an ideal first step is to do a context analysis, that is, not to focus directly on the object of the work but <u>everything that led to its creation, as its historical, social, political or academic base, and all that it would involve, which can give you a general idea of the work,</u> which you will surely use later as prior knowledge to objectively analyze the works without making mistakes like misinterpretations.
The 3 stages that a photographer must go through are: General, Medium-Range and Close-ups views.
As it was said before, the 3 aforementioned stages are up to the following:
1- General View is to include the setting of the murder, the location where the crime was commited.
2- Medium Range View is useful to include more specific aspects just like the corpse and the evidence that is spreaded in the crime scene
3- Close- Ups View is to take shots from more specific angles that will include a close-up of the victim, the evidence and every single element from the crime scene. This type of view may help detectives avoid distortion between object that are caused by the distance iteself.