It's the first option choice on Plato
At the end of meiosis, there are four cells, each with 23 chromosomes, for a total of 92 chromosomes split between the four cells.
During meiosis, a diploid cell (46 chromosomes) replicates its DNA (making 92 chromosomes) then undergoes two cell divisions to generate four haploid cells (23 chromosomes).
These haploid cells are the gametes which, during fertilization, fuse to become a zygote with 46 chromosomes.
Consequently, what happens when gas obtained by heating slaked lime and ammonium chloride is passed through copper sulphate solution? The HCl in the gas mixture will form hydrochloric and the H+ will react with some of the NH3(aq), forming NH4^+, and with some of the SO4^2-, forming HSO4^-.