In calculating the energy of a photon of light, we need the relationship for energy and the frequency which is expressed as:
where h is the Planck's constant (6.626 x 10-34 J s)and v is the frequency.
E = 6.626 x 10-34 J s (<span>7.33 x 10^14 /s) = 4.857 x 10^-19 J</span>
To establish this relationship we must examine the potentials that these forces create. The electrical potential is described by
Ve = k q / r
The potential for strong nuclear force is
Vn (r) = - gs / 4pir exp (-mrc / h)
Where gs is the stacking constant and r the distance between the nucleons,
We can compare these potentials where the force is derived from the relationship
E = -dU / dr
F = q E
when you solve an equation the quadratic of g(f) must be treated like any other mathematical quantity— they must be multiplied, divided, raised to powers, cancelled, etc in exactly the same way as the numbers to which they belong