Following are the C++ code
int speed=20; // Store 20 in the speed varaible.
int time=10; //Store 10 in the time variable.
int distance = speed *time; // multiply by speed *time
cout<<distance; // display the value of distance
Following are the program in C++ language :
#include <iostream> // header file
using namespace std; // namespace
int main()
int speed=20; // Store 20 in the speed varaible.
int time=10; //Store 10 in the time variable.
int distance = speed *time; // multiply by speed *time
cout<<distance; // display the value of distance
return 0;
Following are explanation of following code
- Declared a vaiable of type int called "speed" and store 20 on it.
- Declared a vaiable of type int called "time" and store 10 on it.
- multiply by speed into the time and store into the distance variable.
- finally print the "display" value