It is theories because it was a generalistee abstract or thinking generalising the principle of fact about Earth tectonic plates ,it was formulated and concluded as plate tectonic theories after many findings. The theories conclude that the Earth has an outer layer called lithosphere and lies overly a plastic layer called asthenosphere. The lithosphere is divided into several plates and they move close to each other where they diverge, converge or slip over one another.
A theory doesn’t change into a scientific law because of new or better evidence.
A theory will always remain a theory, and i law will remain a law. The reason being that theories and laws may differ on account of newfound countervailing evidence. Remember, theories and laws are very different from hypotheses.
When highly electronegative element like oxygen is directly attached to less electronegative element like hydrogen the electrons from less electronegative elements are attracted toward the highly electronegative element, making the less electronegative element deficient in electron density (partial positive) and a partial negative charge on more electronegative element is created. In such situation the intermolecular forces formed are dipole-dipole interactions or hydrogen bond interaction like in HF.