Question 1: C Question 2: B, Hope this Helps!
I used to wish that I can fly
A is the answer for the problem
Answer: Compared to displacement and velocity, acceleration is like the angry, fire-breathing dragon of motion variables. It can be violent; some people are scared of it; and if it's big, it forces you to take notice. That feeling you get when you're sitting in a plane during take-off, or slamming on the brakes in a car, or turning a corner at a high speed in a go kart are all situations where you are accelerating.
All music in the world, is form only two notes and those notes are described below in detailed explanation.
In the chromatic scale, there are basically seven central musical notes, designated A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. They individual express a separate pitch or frequency. For illustration, the "central" A note has a pitch of 450 Hz, and the "common" B note has a pitch of 495 Hz.
Varieties Of Musical Notes You Require To Understand
Semibreve (Whole Note)
Minim (Half Note)
Crotchet (Quarter Note)