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The Chickasaw are Indian people of the United States who originally resided along the Tennessee River and other parts of Tennessee, west of present-day Huntsville, Alabama, parts of Mississippi and the southwest side of Kentucky.
The Reconstruction Act divided the South into five Military Districts.
Five courses of action a committee may take on a bill are: report it favorably; refuse to report it; report it in amended form; report it unfavorably; or report a substitute bill written by the committee. 8. Four types of votes in the House are: voice votes, standing votes, teller votes, and roll-call votes.
If Chang's divorced father married Gretchen's divorced mother, and they all live in the same house, then this would be a blended type of family.
So, two completely different parts of two completely different families are blended into one single new family that lives together. Although they weren't originally one family, they did become one because of the love of the parents who decided to get married.