RPE is basically the scale on how hard an exercise is. Here is how it works:
10 RPE: Very hard, excruciating pain.
9 RPE: Not as hard as 10, but still extremely hard.
And so on, until you reach 1, which is basically the easiest thing you've ever done in your life.
So all in all, RPE is just a scale on how hard an exercise is.
intense cravings for the drug when it is not available
For doctors
and nurses to obtain an accurate result during a complete physical examination
of a patient, the necessary equipment and supplies should be prepared before
the procedure. Here’s a list of the things that should be present in getting a
patient’s blood and urine specimens:
For urine
</span>Sterile specimen cup = obtained from the
</span>Cotton ball = to clean the area before
urinating to avoid entry of external bacteria
For blood
</span>Sterile syringes
</span>Blood culture bottles
</span>Alcohol swab = to clean the area where the blood
sample will be taken
</span>Sterile cotton balls