Try to get the fractions with same denominators. Use the LCD system to find equal factors to a common denominator. Then just simply compare it.
*Note: Larger fraction is the greater numerator.*
Hoped this helped.
~Bob Ross®
For this case we must find the solution set of the given inequalities:
Inequality 1:

Applying distributive property on the left side of inequality:

Subtracting 3 from both sides of the inequality:

Dividing by 6 on both sides of the inequality:

Thus, the solution is given by all the values of "x" greater than 3.
Inequality 2:

Subtracting 3x from both sides of the inequality:

Subtracting 3 from both sides of the inequality:

Thus, the solution is given by all values of x less than 4.
The solution set is given by the union of the two solutions, that is, all real numbers.
All real numbers
Find how far the car can travel on one gallon of gas, by dividing total miles by number of gallons:
105 miles / 7 gallons = 15 miles per gallon.
Now multiply that by the number of gallons to find total miles:
15 miles per gallon x 9 gallons = 135 total miles.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
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