Preston had been in a previous fight with colonists.
No explanation
Because they probably don't know all the mean and hurtful things people can say or do. OR they haven't seen the things of this field so they don't have to worry and cry because maybe they don't have huge muscles like some guy they saw in a magazine.
Biological and social are not mutually exclusive. Many animals, especially mammals are social to a certain degree, some more than others.
Precocial animals (turkeys, bunnies) are born with just about everything they need to survive and require little parental time (sometimes just months).
Altricial animals (humans are altricial) require longer parental time to learn everything they need to function as adults.
Military geography, adopted in the territorial knowledge of war areas, begins to be rescued by academic circles.
They used geography of the countries in the favor of their side, so was important to know the geography because if helped them to win some fights, because of this knowledge.
The answer is the angry Sapphire.
According to Melissa Harris-Perry, there are three tenacious stereotypes of black females- Jezebel, Mammy and Sapphire. The hyper-sexual Jezebel and her sexual lasciviousness, the asexual Mammy and her devotion, and lastly, the smack talking Sapphire with her outspoken anger.