All of these life forms carry out life processes such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction.
Problem faced include; habitat loss and degradation, disease outbreak, invasive species, pollution, over‐exploitation/overfishing, climate change etc.
Habitat loss and degradation, disease outbreak, invasive species, pollution, over‐exploitation/overfishing, and climate change are notable problems experienced by freshwater and marine fishes.
Anthropogenic activities and stressors that rapidly threaten freshwater and marine fishes are curbed through legislation and other means to prevent extinction of fishes.
Through conservation programs that plans for individual species to more species of entire faunas of a particular location also boost population size and prevent hunting of threatened or endangered species in both realms.
Overtime, genetically modified fishes which can develop resistance to diseases are introduced to the realm.
Moreso, waste channels through which pollutants gets into the water bodies are well-treated for safety of fishes.
Answer & Explanation:
Feedback is a form of regulation where the main product of one reaction, can also inhibit it. It can work in several ways, mainly there's a receptor that, somehow, measures the presence of a determined molecule, in this case, ATP. These receptors can also be involved in the metabolic process and when there's an excess of ATP, the enzymes are inhibited, maybe with an allosteric type of inhibition.
<h3>{Differences in Physical Characteristics}</h3>
Vertebrates have a skeletal structure with a spinal column or backbone.Invertebrates have no backbone, while vertebrates have a well-developed internal skeleton of cartilage and bone and a highly developed brain that is enclosed by a skull.
•Invertebrates do not possess a backbone not an internal skeleton.
•Invertebrates have an exoskeleton.
•Body size varies but most are generally smaller than vertebrates. However, some invertebrates grow to gigantic proportions – such as the colossal squid (46 feet in length).
•Vertebrates possess a backbone and an internal skeleton.
•Vertebrates do not possess an exoskeleton.
•Generally, vertebrates are comparatively larger than invertebrates