Barbell Curl. The barbell curl is one of the more iconic biceps exercises to date
Chin-Up. The chin-up is a bodyweight exercise that can induce serious muscle growth of the biceps (and back)
Hammer Curl (Dumbbell)
Incline Dumbbell Curl
Supinated / Reverse Grip Bent Over Row
Cable Curl
Concentration Curl
I’m so sorry, but i’m not quite sure what you mean by: “who’s good anatomy i need help.” would you mind helping me understand it better in a different format?
The correct answer here is D.
She has tried to achieve too much too soon and has overworked her body. She now needs time to rest and recover. The best thing she can do to prevent this problem from happening again is to be more sensible about her workout schedule and allows for periods of rest in between to relax her body and rebuild it's strength.