please explain further and i maybe can help you
Compound consist of molecules that are identical, this molecules are made up of atoms of two or more elements. An element is identified based on the atomic property of the element. Water as a compound is composed of 2 Hydrogen atom to 1 oxygen atom and the molecule is H2O.
1. research question
2. background research
3. hypothesis
4. <span>Controlled experiment
5. data analysis
6. data collection
7. conclusion</span>
The sky is not solid, not liquid but of gas. It is also
called the atmosphere, one of the important spheres on earth that influences
the climate –temperature, humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and
the biotic community as a whole. The atmosphere or the sky is composed of many
layers and is responsible to protecting the living organisms of the earth
against the deadly ultraviolet rays and other strong radiation coming from the
<span><span>There is no formula. The speed of light is a fundamental constant which appears in other formulas but there’s no formula to compute the numerical value.Well, actually, that’s not quite right. The numerical value in meters per second is known exactly, because we use the speed of light to define the meter. It is: <span><span><span>c=299,792,458 m/s</span><span>c=299,792,458 m/s</span></span>
</span>. Exactly. But the thing is — this value is purely an artifact of our unit system. Other unit systems will give other values, so the number value is entirely arbitrary.</span></span>