Because a science-based understanding of our universe is, more than other (myth-based or religious-base) understandings, capable of delivering (1) measuring instruments by means of which we can test our hypotheses regarding the structure of the universe and (2) a scientific language that is as much as possible free from ambiguity and vagueness.
Answer is C. The Gross Happiness Index.
The Gross Happiness Index is the term developed and used only in a country known as Bhutan. It was developed by the fourth king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck in the 1970s.
This term is understood to implies that a major approach towards progress must be through sustainable development, which will give undiluted or the same importance to non-economic aspects or portion of well-being.
It has been discovered or made known that Bhutan make use of The Gross Happiness Index for measuring progress.
There are 9 domains where this term is used, they are
* Education
* Health
* Community vitality
* Living standards
* Time use
* Psychological well-being
* Environment
* Good governance
* Cultural resilence and promotion.
ashur-uballit 1
the assyrians uaed a form of gypsum for the relief and carved it using iron and copper tools
They are likely to reason out that the third world nations are undeveloped because of their lack of modern economic activities and they are not well introduced to new techniques or machines that have made them to lack and to be underdeveloped than other world nations.