Current is carried by a conductor.
The purpose of a dielectric and/or insulator is to prevent current flow. An electrostatic field may set up the conditions for current flow, but it carries no current itself.
The Pareto principle is that most things in our life are not commonly distributed.
Pareto chart shows that most of the things which we have in our life and the resources in our life are not equally distributed. The ratio is not always 50:50 according to this principle.
The most important use of a Pareto diagram is to show the most important factor among the set of factors that have been shown. Along with that it also shows the sources which lead to the common defects in the system and tries to solve those defects which occur most often.
Answer and Explanation:
In any experiment, the observed values are the actual values obtained in any experiment.
The calculated values are the values that are measured by using the observed values in a formula.
The observed values are primary values whereas the calculated values are the secondary values as calaculations are made using observed values.
Yes, if the observed values are of low accuracy.
The values should be recorded with proper care and attention in order to avoid any error.
2.46 * 10⁵ W/m³
See attached pictures for detailed explanation.
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