Forehead, Feet and Elbows, if the person is perfect health condition.
a) La aceleración angular es: 
b) El engranaje gira 125 radianes.
c) El engranaje hara aproximadamente 20 revoluciones.
La aceleración angular se define como:

- Δω es la diferencia de velocidad angular (en otras palabras ω(final)-ω(inicial))
- Δt es el tiempo en el que occure el cambio de velocidad angular

El desplazamiento angular puede ser calculado usando la siguiente ecuación:

Aqui el angulo inicial es 0, por lo tanto.

El engranaje gira 125 radianes.
Lo que debemos hacer aquí es convertir radianes a revoluciones.
Recordemos que 2π rad = 1 rev

Por lo tanto el engranaje hara aproximadamente 20 revoluciones.
Espero te haya sido de ayuda!
That's a very difficult question to answer, because you give us
no information regarding what you have done in your life.
We can only assume that you have most likely breathed on occasion,
floated on your back in the ocean, lake or pool, maybe fallen off of a
ladder or out of bed, felt the warmth of the sun on your cheek, seen
a rainbow after a rainshower, heard the sound of thunder during a
summer storm, taken a trip in an airplane, and waited for a cup of
hot chocolate to cool off. The richness of any of these experiences
is greatly enhanced when you understand some of the Physics involved.
As it is given that the air bag deploy in time

total distance moved by the front face of the bag

Now we will use kinematics to find the acceleration

now as we know that

so we have

so the acceleration is 400g for the front surface of balloon
<h2>The answer is planetary motion</h2>
According to Johannes Kepler, the laws governing planetary motion
states that:
1. The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci.
2. A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas
during equal intervals of time.
3. The square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major of its orbit.
Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer
Born: 27 December 1571, Weil der Stadt, Germany
Died: 15 November 1630