First you have to subtract 2250015 by 1650650 and the answer is 599365
The you add 2250015 to 1650650 and the answer is 3900665 so you divide
599365 by 3900665 and multiply by 100 and the final result is 517.325002
And to the nearest ten is 517.3 because 2 is below five to round up
Final answer— 517.3
Hope this helps
Hope i could help. -\(-_-)/-
Step-by-step explanation:
The first equation has to be the ratio of raisins to sunflower seeds. If r is raisins and p is sunflower seeds and there are 3 times as many raisins as sunflower seeds then the first equation must be 3r=p
The second equation should model the prices properly. Raisins are 1.5 per pound and sunflower seeds are 4 per pound, because of this we should have 1.5r (r being each pound of raisins) and 4p (p being each pound of sunflower seeds). From this we know the second equation must be 4p+1.5r=34
Step-by-step explanation:you subtract what time it is by 1:34 then take away 60 for a hour and add it to a hour so taking 60 mins gives you a hour