Expl:The cerebellum is at the back of the brain near the brain stem around the junction between the spinal cord and brain, above the medulla oblongata. It is divided into two hemispheres connected in the middle.anation:
If having long-term anxiety is can can caused your brain to release stress hormones more likely causing you to have headaches, feeling dizzy or even depression.
High blood pressure forces your heart to work harder to pump blood to the rest of your body. This causes part of your heart (left ventricle) to thicken. A thickened left ventricle increases your risk of heart attack, heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Heart failure.
The answer to your question would be “C”
Transverse abdominis is the innermost layer of the abdominals that is the anterior and lateral abdominal wall which is key to every movement a person make and it helps stabilize the core and spine to help the body function correctly by compressing the abdomen.
TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS is the muscles that is lengthened in Lower Crossed Syndrome.