The answer is explained below
They are many features in photoshop that allow for nondestructive editing of images, these are:
- Dialog box: It also for the user to undo an activity to the last change
- Layer: It contain data that can be adjusted to change the appearance of an image.
- Mask: It protect a designated portion from changes you want to make.
- Smart Objects: It allows for the editing of an image without altering or damaging the original image
- Revert: It allows you to go back to the original image as it was when you opened the document.
- Crop: After cropping an image you can choose to hide the cropped part instead of deleting it.
Following python statement will give the assignment to testResult as specified:
if((geneticMarkerA == 1) or (geneticMarkerB ==1)):
testResult = 1
if((geneticMarkerA ==1) and (geneticMarkerB == 1)):
testResult = 0
if((geneticMarkerA == 0) and (geneticMarkerB == 0)):
testResult = 0
In above statements or and and operator are used to check the conditions of set of values present in variable geneticMarkerA and geneticMarkerB.
Based on if the condition evaluate to true or false respective values to testResult varaible is assigned.
Following is sample run for above statements:
geneticMarkerA = 1
geneticMarkerB = 0
if((geneticMarkerA == 1) or (geneticMarkerB ==1)):
testResult = 1
if((geneticMarkerA ==1) and (geneticMarkerB == 1)):
testResult = 0
if((geneticMarkerA == 0) and (geneticMarkerB == 0)):
testResult = 0
Which programming language are you working in?
Here is how you could achieve this in Python:
establish a counter, starting at 1.
While your counter is 10 or less, do two things:
print the counter,
and increase the counter by 1.
counter = 1
while counter <= 10:
counter = counter + 1
Those last two lines should be indented.
Anything that doesn't have to do with food (including water), shelter, or clothing.
For Example: Going to the pool is not a need, going on vacation is not a need etc. etc.
Hope this helps