begin need to tell me I was concerned and you give me 6 why
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The main purpose of the model code organizations has always been to develop and mantain building, fire, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and other related code, standards, and recommended practices independent of the influence, affiliation, and pressure exerted by special interest groups.
A model to set up a code organization consists of fixed codes that an organization of standards develops and maintains. This organization works externally and dedicates to determining basic safety, building and material requisites. That is to say, it is not involved in the area where the development of building code standards takes place.
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success of both would be strongly contributed to by a great deal of
luck to begin with. This luck pertains to having the right conditions
under which to produce the food and water necessary to support large
civilizations and communities. The power and force to gain large areas
of land to be drawn into the civilization. The power and force to keep
control of neighboring captured and incorporated lands. The dedication
of the people, normally gained by having the power and force to provide
them with safe and contented lives without worry of invasion and
destruction. Without such power and growing force (military) the
civilization would have been a single community or oasis in the desert.
Seeing that the fledgling civilization would survive, there was a need
for accounting for all the food and supplies collected from the outer
regions so they invented writing and a written record to keep track
with. This forced organization and removed a great deal of chance
related to luck and thus yielded a stronger and more powerful nation.
With which more land could be conquered and absorbed into the realm of
the nation</span>