Grace is receiving what we do not deserve. Further explanation can be found below.
God's grace was available when he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins. Grace is simply receiving what we do not deserve. We do not deserve mercy , we do not deserve forgiveness. We do not deserve eternal life. But God made these available to us in Christ death and resurrection.
GRACE is simply Gift Receive At Christ expense.
Power on the other hand is exousia;delegated authority
dynamo; ability to do. When grace comes , power is experienced to do what God's wills for us to do. For his power is at work in us to do and to act for his good pleasure
The wrath of God is Gods anger towards those who constantly suppress the truth.Those who have refused to come to the saving grace of Jesus. Those whom have been interested in sinfulness and its illegal demands.
a) underlying definition of the construct used in the validation process.
accepting the evidence of construct validity means that one accepts the underlying definition of the construct used.
When it comes to unconsciousness, Freud described the identity component he called the ID. It is present from birth, as an aspect of a personality that is totally unconscious, involves instinctual and primitive behavior. Two sources that Freud described as instinctive are Eros and Thanatos.
Eros is a life instinct that includes sexual instincts, as well as hunger and thirst.
Thanatos is the instinct of death, and this is, for example, aggression. Aggression can be directed towards the outside, but it can also be directed towards the inside, and it appears as an urge to commit suicide. Instinct Thanatos calms down by life's instincts.
That they migrated during the ice age over 12,000 years ago
Because civilization requires rules, basically. Rules are made by an entity higher than ourself, so first there were cities, and then those cities unite together in a state. The state is the entity who has the authority to set rules in order to mantain order and peace in the territories under its authority. So, civilization equate state control because without state control we don't have a civilization.