<h3><em><u>Say</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>no</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>to</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>drugssssssssss</u></em></h3>
..generally contains one or two capillaries and nerve fibers.
If that's the answer you are looking for, Hope that helps :)
Indeed, it is important for healthcare professionals to possess good communication skills. One may ask: what is good communication skill? Well, good communication skill is the ability of someone to speak or write in a way that is clear and understandable to his listener or audience. It also involves being a good listener.
For example, patients especially need to able to understand their doctor's suggestions or prescriptions in other to effectively follow them. While team members or coworkers need to understand laid-out procedures in other to correctly perform the ongoing treatment.
Here are 8 workouts that you can do in the house:
- Run on a treadmill.
- Crossfit (Yout ube Video)
- Cleaning (Many household chores can be a vigorous workout)
- Squats
- Push ups
- Dancing
- Jumping Rope
- Hula Hooping
<u>Functions of central nervous system (CNS)</u>
- regulating the sleep cycle
- acting as the control center of the nervous system
<u>Functions of peripheral nervous system: </u>
- managing the body's vital functions
- digesting food for nutrients
- supporting the skeletal system
The nervous system is divided into central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain and spinal cord and peripheral nervous system (PNS) (cranial and spinal nerves).
The central nervous system commands several functions in the body. The brain is responsible for the perception of different external stimuli through the senses, intelligence and memory.
The peripheral nervous system is organized into plexuses. Its divided into autonomic nervous system and the somatic / sensory nervous system.
- Somatic nervous system: formed by motor fibers that drive CNS impulses to the skeletal muscles. Its main function is to respond to stimuli from the external environment.
- Autonomic Nervous System: the main function is to regulate the internal environment of the body by exercising control over activities such as digestion and excretion. Its divided into 2 systems: sympathetic nervous system (usually stimulates organ function) and parasympathetic nervous system (usually inhibits organ function).