Power, is something that every leader wields but different leaders have different sources at which they draw their power, simply put, every leader has their own unique power base. This power base can be through coerciveness, legitimate, referent, expert or infomational bases.
The question above defines the power base through coerciveness which is the; 'type of power that would be wielded by a person who has the ability to punish for failure to comply''.
Legitimate type of power refers to the right to power because of the leaders' position for example the President of the United States of America has legitimate type of power.
Referent type of power is the type of power in which the leader gets power because he or she is respected.
Expert type of power is the power that comes because the leader is a professional at something, so whatever the leader says people tends to follow.
Minerals are an inorganic nutrient
Alcohol, for example, produced a release of dopamine from about 100 units to about 200, You get a similar magnitude of an effect with nicotine. Cocaine produces a huge release of dopamine, from 100 units to about 350 units, however the mother of them all is methamphetamine.
so it really depends on the drug.
please mark me brainliest!
Well, 1,300 people die from tobacco smoking in a day. But it's 1 out of 5 deaths.