The NHTSA estimates that <u>85 %</u> of the 11,510 drivers with a BAC of .01 or higher who were involved in fatal crashes had BAC levels at or above .08.
The survey conducted by the “National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)” says that the driver with high BAC levels is the main cause for the fatal crashes.
The amount of alcohol mixed with the blood of a person is identified to know the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. The BAC level of the person is determined by taking into account the amount of alcohol consumed by the person, person’s weight, gender, genetics and drinking pattern. Increase in BAC level may leads to side effects and impairments.
Encouraging free trade between countries and helping countries negotiate trade conflicts are two most important jobs of the World Trade Organization. Most countries in the world are members of the said organization.
The answer would be letter D. World Trade Organization.
The effect that is described as discrepancy between candidates' high poll ratings and election performance, caused by supporters' assumption that an easy win means they need not turn out is called BOOMERANG EFFECT.
The NS eventually becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS).
In classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus can be defined as a neutral stimulus that has become associated with an unconditioned stimulus and, eventually, begins to trigger a conditioned response. A classical example is ringing a bell (NS) at the same time you offer food (US) to a dog. The dog will salivate (UR) because of the food, not because of the bell. However, if you repeat this several times, eventually the sound of the bell will go from a neutral stimulus (NS) to a conditioned stimulus (CS). It will begin to trigger the now conditioned response of salivation (CR), even if there is no food.