a) 3.1205*10^19 electron/s
b) 1.51*10^6 A/m^2
c) 1.11*10^-4 m/s
a) to find the number of electrons you use the current in the wire, and the following formula:

3.1205*10^19 electrons per second
b) To find the current density you use the formula:

I: current in the wire
A: cross area of the wire

c) To find the speed you use the formula for the drift speed of electrons in the wire:

n: number of free electrons
q: charge of the electron = 1.6*10^{-19}C

d) if the diameter of the wire is increased, the number of electron that pass trough the lighy bulb each second is the same.
The current density decreases because J=I/A. If A increases J decreases.
The drift vellocity of the electrons decreases, again, because in the formula for vd the Area is in the denominator.a