Here are some cool ideas that you could do
-Zero fuel aircraft
-Advanced Space Propulsion Technologies
-Smart Automation and Blockchain
These are some things I've been working on for a few years lol, maybe you will have more luck

The distance of the chain would be the product of the dislocation density and the volume of the metal.
Dislocation density = 
Volume of the metal = 

The chain would extend 
Dislocation density = 
Volume of the metal = 

The chain would extend 
Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, and Java, 3e, shows readers how to use both the principles of software engineering and the practices of various object-oriented tools, processes, and products.
Answer: Homelessness, Drug addiction, Mental Illness, Climate change.
Society would rather be ignorant to/ ignore all of these realities so they do not have to stop specific behaviors or actually acknowledge other people and help. Sometimes people are so stressed out about their own lives, they can not bare another persons issues. People are ignorant to climate change because correcting it requires massive changes and society is selfish and unwilling to change.