I remember that notation! The expression

is the 1st law of thermodynamics and it refers to the heat supplied to the system dQ which is also a change in its internal energy dU. The first term is the <u>partial</u> derivative of the internal energy U with respect to temperature T while the volume V is kept constant, as denoted by the subscript V. The 2nd term is similar but this time, temperature is kept constant while its volume partial derivative is being taken.
Ah, memories!
A globe sitting on the desk can't demonstrate the speed of axial rotation
or the speed of orbital revolution.
Because of immense gravity
The formation of the Solar system was a very dynamic process. A lot of matter was thrown towards the outer solar system which further formed the Gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The size of these outer planets is huge so is their gravity.
Because of their huge gravity a lot of matter which was scattered in the outer solar system got attracted towards them. This matter is what make the rings of the outer planets. Also, because of immense gravity they captured larger bodies thus making them their Moons.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide
Cuanto más fuerte es el ácido, más rápido se disocia para generar H +start superscript, plus, end superscript. Por ejemplo, el ácido clorhídrico (HCl) se disocia completamente en iones hidrógeno y cloruro cuando se mezcla con agua, por lo que se considera un ácido fuerte.