In physics, a charged particle is a particle with an electric charge. ... It can also be an electron or a proton, or another elementary particle, which are all believed to have the same charge (except antimatter). Another charged particle may be an atomic nucleus devoid of electrons, such as an alpha particle. Neutron, neutral subatomic particle that is a constituent of every atomic nucleus except ordinary hydrogen. It has no electric charge and a rest mass equal to 1.67493 × 10−27 kg—marginally greater than that of the proton but nearly 1,839 times greater than that of the electron.
Explained below.
Yes cars have antennas.
Now there could be an antenna for listening to radio stations which could be regular radio stations or even satellite radio stations.
Also, there could be antennas used for GPS navigation or some form of communication with other vehicles that possess that type of antenna.
Light comes in different colors like radio, ultra violet, gamma-ray, etc, and they are invisible to the bare eye
This is a great problem if you like getting tied up in knots
and making smoke come out of your brain.
I found that it makes the problem a lot easier if I give the objects some
numbers. I'm going to say that the mass of Object 5 is 20 clods.
Let the mass of Mass of Object 5 be 20 clods .
Then . . .
-- The mass of Object 2 is double the mass of Object 5 = 40 clods.
-- The mass of Object 4 is half of the mass of Object 5 = 10 clods.
-- the mass of Object 3 is half of the mass of Object 4 = 5 clods.
So now, here are the masses:
Object #1 . . . . . unknown
Object #2 . . . . . 40 clods
Object #3 . . . . . 5 clods
Object #4 . . . . . 10 clods
Object #5 . . . . . 20 clods .
Now let's check out the statements, and see how they stack up:
Object 3 and Object 5 exert the same gravitational force on Object 1.
Can't be.
Objects #3 and #5 have different masses, so they can't both
exert the same force on the same mass.
Object 2 and Object 4 exert the same gravitational force on Object 1.
Can't be.
Objects #2 and #4 have different masses, so they can't both
exert the same force on the same mass.
The gravitational force between Object 1 and Object 2 is greater than
the gravitational force between Object 1 and Object 4.
Yes ! Yay !
Object-2 has more mass than Object-4 has, so it must exert more force on
ANYTHING than Object-4 does, (as long as the distances are the same).
The gravitational force between Object 1 and Object 3 is greater than the gravitational force between Object 1 and Object 5.
Can't be.
Object-3 has less mass than Object-5 has, so it must exert less force on
ANYTHING than Object-4 does, (as long as the distances are the same).
If the DISTANCE is the same for all the tests, then Choice-C is
the only one that can be true.