Circle because it’s round and we all love round things
metals, composite, ceramics and polymers.
The four categories of engineering materials used in manufacturing are metals, composite, ceramics and polymers.
i) Metals: Metals are solids made up of atoms held by matrix of electrons. They are good conductors of heat and electricity, ductile and strong.
ii) Composite: This is a combination of two or more materials. They have high strength to weight ratio, stiff, low conductivity. E.g are wood, concrete.
iii) Ceramics: They are inorganic, non-metallic crystalline compounds with high hardness and strength as well as poor conductors of electricity and heat.
iv) Polymers: They have low weight and are poor conductors of electricity and heat
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1.Ross fixes a dishwasher for a homeowner.
3.Cassandra fixes holes in an old road.