Correlation is used to represent the linear relationship between two variables. On the contrary regression is used to fit the best line and estimate one variable on the basis of another variable, as opposed to regression reflects the impact of the unit change in the independent variable on the dependent variable.
Climate change is a change in global temprature patterns. Climate change is happening because of greenhouse gasses such as Carbon Dioxide, Mephane, and Nitrous Oxide. It's affecting our environment by raising temperaters, more trash (i guess), and it's ruining wildlife. Climate change has been happening for a very long time. There is a way we can change the global climate which would to be getting rid of dangerous chemicals in factories. Or as a person, stop supporting huge factories that you know use chemicals that are harmful to our planet. (most factories) It's affecting our environment by raising temperaters, more trash (i guess), and it's ruining wildlife.
The answer is b. many changes occurred throughout the countries hope it helps
I️ don’t believe so because they will have more biased opinions and therefore most likely sway towards no separation between church and state.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
I looked it up