Exchange rate is 2 guilders for every 3 florins
The conversion factor will be
2 guilders / 3 florins = 3 florins / 2 guilders = 1
so if we wish to convert 17 guilders to florins we will use following conversion factor
3 florins / 2 guilders = B / C
D = 17guilders X 3 florins / 2 guilders = 25.5 florins
meteorology A line drawn on a map or chart connecting places of equal or constant pressure.
nuclear physics Either of two nuclides of different elements having the same mass number.
thermodynamics A set of points or conditions at constant pressure.
Answer: (3)
Medeleev arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weight and similar properties
He noticed that similar elements were grouped together by using this.
So what I know is that enzyme and substrate are like lock and key meaning that when the active site of the enzyme changes, the enzyme will not fit to the substrate which will lead the enzyme to denature. Hope this helps.