All of Given
JSP provides a number of implicit objects which are made available by the container and can be used directly in scriptlets. These objects include:
- session
- application
- config
- out
- request
- response
- pageContext
- page
- exception
Example usage:
<% session.setAttribute("userid","demoid"); %>
<% application.getContextPath(); %>
<% out.println(config.getServletName()); %>
<span>the answer is an operating system</span>
a) Custom AppExchange-app for product-pricing
We can find a solution in AppExchange for this product-pricing, surfing in the option, we could get solutions like BoonPlus, and easy pricing Opportunity, this App has a free trial.
With this option is easy to choose a book price, add new products, select pricing rule, we can get an order's product, and calculate pricing, just we must download the app and install it.
<span>C. Rulers indicate the margins, tabs, and indents in a presentation slide.