The mass of moon is 1/100 times and its radius 1/4 times that of earth as a result the gravitational attraction on the moon is about one sixth when compared to earth.
A Magnesia
The word magnetism comes from the word Magnesia, which is the name for a region in Asia Minor, where fragments of Fe3O4 ore (magnetite) were found, which attracts other metal objects.
Magnetism is a physical phenomenon by which we describe the attractive or repulsive force between materials.
This phenomenon has been known for thousands of years.
When the body is at rest, its speed is zero, and the graph lies on the x-axis.
When the body is in uniform motion, the speed is constant, and the graph is a horizontal line, parallel to the x-axis and some distance above it.
It's impossible to tell, based on the given information, how these two parts of the
graph are connected. There must be some sloping (accelerated) portion of the graph
that joins the two sections, but it cannot be accounted for in either the statement
that the body is at rest or that it is in uniform motion, since acceleration ... that is,
any change of speed or direction ... is not 'uniform' motion'.
An atom with a closed shell of valence electrons (corresponding to an electron configuration s2p6) tends to be chemically inert. An atom with one or two valence electrons more than a closed shell is highly reactive, because the extra valence electrons are easily removed to form a positive ion.Explanation: