Well AM/Fm is digitally using soundwaves for cars through signal, which we cant hear without one (radio). Concerts are in real life and use wavelegnths that we hear because it bounces off overytihing.
you can use one of your 5 senses to make _____ during an inquiry activity.
In nature there are two categories of microorganisms as relating to health. Microorganisms that are considered harmful to humans are called pathogens and these cause disease. Examples include bacteria such as streptococcus which cause sore throat and salmonella which cause typhoid disease.
There are some microorganisms which are helpful to man and they live mostly on the skin of man or in his gut and are mostly bacteria. They are collectively called bacterial normal flora.
In man the normal bacterial flora of the skin include staphylococcus found on dry skin, cornybacteria found in moist skin sites and propionibacteria in the sebaceous sites (head, neck, trunk) of the body. Normal bacterial flora of the gut include Escherichia coli.
One of the major function of bacterial flora is actually to protect our bodies by competing for space with pathogens preventing them from gaining a foothold in our bodies.
The era of planet formation ended when the remaining hydrogen and helium gas of the solar nebula was swept into interstellar space by the solar winds.
The Solar System is formed from a molecular cloud (compound by gas and dust). If there is a near perturbation to the cloud, maybe due to a supernova explosion, the molecular cloud will collapse under its own gravity. Then, in some point it starts to rotate and will accrete all the material in a disk around the protostar¹.
Inside the disk, dust particles start to collide and accrete until they form planetesimals². As a consequence of the gravitational force of the star, rocky and metallic particles will be more attracted to the inner part of the Solar System (close to the Sun) since they have more mass than gas.
Then, when the star has the necessary pressure and temperature to initiate nuclear reactions in its core, it will be able to emit huge amounts of energy, better known as solar winds. These winds will expel gas (hydrogen and helium) from the Solar System more easily than the rocky and metallic particles.
Notice that when such event occurs, rocky and gaseous planets were already formed.
Key terms:
¹Protostar: A young star.
²Planetesimals: Object formed by many fragments due to the gravitational attraction between them.
Running means your body must convert stored glucose into energy through glycolysis.