A compound. For example, hydrogen and oxygen atoms form water.
The impulse required to decrease the speed of the boat is equal to the variation of momentum of the boat:

m=225 kg is the mass of the boat

is the variation of velocity of the boat
By substituting the numbers into the first equation, we find the impulse:

and the negative sign means the direction of the impulse is against the direction of motion of the boat.
D. ) The force would be zero newtons
If you are at the center of the earth, gravity is zero because all the mass around you is pulling "up" (every direction there is up!)
So F=mg so if g is zero F is also zero
Radiation: Getting sunburnt on a beach.
- The sun’s radiation (no direct contact) is what causes the skin to burn.
Radiation: Microwave cooking food
- Microwaves use radiation to heat the food inside of it; between radio waves and infrared radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum
Conduction: Touching a hot car seat in the summer
- Conduction is the transfer of heat by direct contact (hand to seat).
Conduction: Burning yourself with a curling iron (Similar to above; direct contact).
Convection: An ocean breeze
- Convection near coastlines cause the transfer of energy; water warms and cools slower than land.
Conduction: Sliding down a hot metal slide in august
- You are in direct contact with the slide, which is hot due to the temperature.
Convection: Water in a boiling pot of macaroni
- The water, a liquid, is being heated by molecular motion.
Convection: Currents deep within the earth that cause tectonic plates to move
- Convection currents drive the movement of tectonic plates in the mantle, which is fluid/molten. The currents circulate under the asthenosphere.