The linear momentum is zero
When a rigid body is rotating about a fixed axis passing through point O, the body’s linear momentum given as L = mvG
But VG= 0 so
Linear momentum is zero
It has three significant figure
Deceleration—the ability to slow down and control force production—is often ignored during training; but deceleration technique is critical for most sports. Speed is often the factor that separates the elite from the average athlete. Credit source is have a nice day! I told you it was from the internet in case you couldn’t use the internet Hope this helped :)!
A displacement is a vector quantity that takes into account the shortest distance from the starting point to the endpoint.
The given above gave a time interval in minutes which needs to be converted to seconds. Given that each minute is 60 seconds, 5 minutes equal 300 seconds. To determine the distance, multiply time with speed. The product is 225 m.
Thus, the displacement is 225 m.
lf a heavy point mass is suspended by a weightless, inextensible and perfectly flexible string from a rigid support, then this arrangement is called simple pendulum.
In practice, however, these requirements cannot be fulfilled. So we use a practical pendulum.
A practical pendulum consists of a small metallic solid sphere suspended by a fine silk thread from a rigid support. This is the practical simple pendulum which is nearest to the ideal simple pendulum.
Note :
The metallic sphere is called the bob.
When the bob is displaced slightly to one side from its mean position and released, it oscillates about its mean position in a vertical plane.