Maybe to not get rained on.
Hahhahahaha I ain't sure tho
Carbonated drinks in cans have a headspace to avoid explosion
- When we see in carbonated drinks in cans we can see there is a small amount of space above the liquid level known as the headspace. This space is not a wasted space. The gas filled in the can is compressed highly which when opened comes out with a high pressure with an explosion.
- Therefore, to avoid the carbonated drinks not to explode when shaken the carbonated drinks and the bottled juices have headspace. This means the headspace is not wasted.
group 1, 2 and 3 tend to get rid of electrons and start to form compounds with groups 7, 6, and 5.
Silicon is the element having a mass of 28.09 g
- Silicon is the element having an atomic mass of 28.09 g / mol. So 28.09 g of silicon contains 6.023 10^23 atoms. One mole of each element can produce one mole of compound.
- The Atomic weight of an element can be determined by the number of protons and neutrons present in one atom of that element. So atomic weight expressed in grams always contain the same number of atoms( 6.023 10^23).
- Avagadro number is the number of atoms of 1 mole of any gas at standard temperature and pressure. It has been determined that 6.023 10^23 atoms of an element are equal to the average atomic mass of that element.