Types of Bonds can be predicted by calculating the
difference in electronegativity.
If, Electronegativity difference is,
than 0.4 then it is Non Polar Pure Covalent
Between 0.4 and 1.7 then it is Polar Covalent
Greater than 1.7 then it is Ionic
For Br and Br,
E.N of Bromine = 2.96
E.N of Bromine = 2.96
E.N Difference
0.00 (Non Polar/Pure Covalent)
For N and O,
E.N of Oxygen = 3.44
E.N of Nitrogen = 3.04
E.N Difference
0.40 (Non Polar/Pure Covalent)
For P and H,
E.N of Hydrogen = 2.20
E.N of Phosphorous = 2.19
E.N Difference 0.01 (Non Polar/Pure Covalent)
For K and O,
E.N of Oxygen = 3.44
E.N of Potassium = 0.82
E.N Difference 2.62 (Ionic)
I'm preatty sure it is in the periodic table xxx
Their positive charge is located in the small nucleus
Ernest Rutherford performed the gold foil experiment in 1911 where he used alpha particles generated from a radioactive source to bombard a thin gold foil.
In his experiment, he observed that the bulk of the alpha particles passed through the gold foil, just a tiny fraction was deflected back. To explain his findings, Rutherford proposed that an atom is made of positively charged centre where nearly all the mass is concentrated called nucleus. Surrounding the nucleus is a large space containing electrons.
Other examples of nodes include servers, personal computers, hubs switches, modems, and etcetera. These devices must be connected together in a network such as an Ethernet or WiFi. These nodes are given addresses depending on the communications layer they operate on the network.