1 : the perimeter of a circle The circle measures 22 inches in circumference. 2 : the external boundary or surface of a figure or object : periphery from the center to the circumference of the sphere.
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1. Annual percent increase in rent is basically just a percentage of the rent increased each year.
2. Heater: Use fire places, or lower the amount of air conditioning usage so it's not so cold.
Electricity: Turn off ceiling fans and lights when not used, or only allow the essential things to use electricity.
Water: Not leave faucets or showers running, or no bathtubs which prevents baths.
3. The couple could save $450 in one year because 3000 divided by 0.15 which is the 15%, equals to the total amount saved at $450.
4. Groceries/everyday essentials, Gas money, taxes, pay off loans.
There is a higher chance that the dad is right because he is betting on a pretty much 50/50 chance while the mom is betting on a 25% chance