1km = o.621371 mile
1.609 kilometers equal 1 mile. The kilometer is a unit of measurement, as is the mille. However, a mile is longer than a kilometer.
A hypothesis is what you think will happen.
A conclusion is the results of an experiment summarized.
Hope this helps.
A uniform thin solid door has height 2.20 m, width .870 m, and mass 23.0 kg. Find its moment of inertia for rotation on its hinges. Is any piece of data unnecessary? So far, I don't understand how to calculate moments of inertia for things like this at all. I can do a system of particles, but when it comes to any ridgid objects, such as this door or rods or cylinders, I don't get it. So basically I have no idea where to even start with this.
so A
Number a is a correct one
Heck yeah i'll follow!!!!!!