The equipment to use is: a beaker, a fixed amount of water, a thermometer.
The mass of water, the time, the temperature for each time should be noted and a graph of Temperature versus time should be made
The design of an experiment is to place the beaker in the microwave, with a good amount of water (approximately ⅔ of its capacity) and turn it on for small periods of time, generally the minimum is 30 s, quickly open the microwave, place a thermometer or better yet an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature of the water; repeat this several times.
The advantage of the infrared thermometer is that it reduces the transfer of heat between the water and the thermometer.
The mass of water, the time, the temperature for each time should be noted and a graph of Temperature versus time should be made.
The equipment to use is: a beaker, a fixed amount of water, a thermometer.
The main precaution that must be taken is not to open the microwave while it is on.
E=mc2 or MC Squared as in (mass energy equivalence)
The answer to your question is: letter D
Fussion: means combine 2 light nucleus to form heavier nucleus.
Fission: means splitting heavy nucleus to form lighter nucleus.
In the figure we can see two light nucleus that combine to form heavier nucleus, so the answer is nuclear fussion.
fundamental frequency= 20Hz
length= 4.3m
resonating frequencies = 60 Hz,100 Hz,140 Hz
speed of sound =344 m/s
as well behaves as organ pipe with are end closed
only odd harmonics are allowed
, so the vibration will corresponds to n=1,3,5,7....
(2n−1) λ
/4 = l (∵λ
= V/f)
(2n-1) V / 4f = l
(2m-1)/6= (2n-1)/10= (2p-1)/14 =A
The given frequencies happen to be 3rd,5th & 7th harmonics of the fundamental frequency n=20Hz.
Therefore, The fundamental frequency will be 20 Hz because 60 Hz is corresponding 3rd harmonic
In order to find length,
(2n-1) V / 4f = l
= 4.3m
therefore, the well is 4.3m deep