El Foro y la Mesa Redonda son muy similar pero tienen tambien una grande diferencia. El foro tambien donde se reunen para discutir diferentes asuntos y donde todos escuchando pueden intevenir en la discusion, incluyendo el auditorio. La Mesa redonda es mas para una cierta cantidad de sujetos que se reunen para desarollar un tema en especifico. En otras palabras la gran diferencia entre las dos son la cantidad de individuos que participan en la discussion.
Well, the gangs go up to each udder and try to defeet da poleece. u know wat ime sayin? my gang be hype up in dis club. WE be runnin from dem cops like thare waz no tomorroe yo!
It seems that you have missed the given options for the given question above, but anyway here is the correct answer. <span>The emergence of industrial society can be best described as a transition from centralized to decentralized societies. Hope this is the answer that you are looking for. Have a great day!</span>
Large industrial prisons
Explanation:Large industrial prisons - it is considered to be the military complex that is under by private agencies for profit. The contract of Large industrial prisons is held to provide the cheap labor at the prison, surveillance technology, food services or any other facilities at prison.
This is considered to be the new trend in some parts of America in which prison is handled by private agencies to make some profit.
Answer: Freedom to elect members of Parliament, without the king or queen's interference. Freedom of speech in Parliament. Freedom from royal interference with the law. Freedom to petition the king.