Work cause a change in kinetic energy
You can get alot of info from it then again the info could be misleading
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7.468 kN
Here the force is given in Newton
Some of the prefixes of the SI units are
kilo = 10³
Mega = 10⁶
Giga = 10⁹
Tera = 10¹²
The number is 7468.0
Here, the only solution where the number of significant figures is kilo. If any other prefix is chosen then the significant figures will increase.
1 kilonewton = 1000 Newton

So, 7468 N = 7.468 kN
The impulse required to decrease the speed of the boat is equal to the variation of momentum of the boat:

m=225 kg is the mass of the boat

is the variation of velocity of the boat
By substituting the numbers into the first equation, we find the impulse:

and the negative sign means the direction of the impulse is against the direction of motion of the boat.
What do we know that might help here ?
-- Temperature of a gas is actually the average kinetic energy of its molecules.
-- When something moves faster, its kinetic energy increases.
Knowing just these little factoids, we realize that as a gas gets hotter, the average speed of its molecules increases.
That's exactly what Graph #1 shows.
How about the other graphs ?
-- Graph #3 says that as the temperature goes up, the molecules' speed DEcreases. That can't be right.
-- Graph #4 says that as the temperature goes up, the molecules' speed doesn't change at all. That can't be right.
-- Graph #2 says that after the gas reaches some temperature and you heat it hotter than that, the speed of the molecules starts going DOWN. That can't be right.