The volume of the block is equal to the volume of water displaced by the block.
Volume refers to the amount of space occupied by a given object (in this case the block). When an object such as the block is immersed in water, it displaces its own volume of water. This volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the block. Hence we can write;
Final Volume of water - Initial Volume of water= Water Displaced = Volume of the block
Recall that the density of a body is given by;
Density= mass/volume
If we obtain the volume of the block by measuring the volume of water displaced by the block, then we weigh the block using a weighing balance, we can obtain the density of the block easily from the relationship shown above.
Use the equation I=V/R where I is current and V is the voltage plus R is the resistance so when voltage is the highest and resistance is lowest the current is the highest
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