Lacks colored blood - Scorpion
Soft, unsegmented body - Octopus
A vertebrate - Bird
Lacks antennae - Starfish
Scorpion belongs to the Phylum Arthropoda of the Kingdom Animalia. All the organisms of this phylum lack coloured blood.
Octopus comes under the Phylum Molusca of the Kingdom Animalia. Soft, unsegmented body is the property of the organisms of this phylum.
Bird belongs to the Vertebrata class of the Phylum Chordata of Kingdom Animalia.
Starfish belongs to Echinodermata Phylum of the Kingdom Animalia. The organisms of this category do not posses antennae.
The earth, The sun, the solar system and the milky way.
Lol, you should do Nate, Bobby, Cindy, Joe, and Beth
Jk, if you want to be series and probably not fail go for these:
If it wants types of small/average stars, then go with
Small star names:
Gliese 229 B
Teegarden's Star
Luyten 726-8 (A and B)
Proxima Centauri
Wolf 359 111400
Ross 248
Barnard's Star
CM Draconis B
Ross 154 167000
CM Draconis A
Kapteyn's Star