The greenhouse effect is a natural process traps heat in the atmosphere - global warming tends to be when additional greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere and this causes a warming event.
Kuniper belt is equal distance to 4.039•10^9.
alpha centauri is equal distance to 2.734•10^13.
En biología, una población es todos los organismos del mismo grupo o especie que viven en una zona geográfica determinada y son capaces de mestizarse.
In biology, a population is all the organisms of the same group or species who live in a particular geographical area and are capable of interbreeding.
The term applied when water passes through a selectively permeable membrane from an area of high to low concentration is called osmosis. Osmotic pressure is defined as the amount of external pressure that is required to stop the net movement of the solution across the semi permeable membrane. In terms of biology, osmosis has great importance as most of the membranes in our body are semi permeable. Permeability depends on several factors such as charge, solubility, solute size and chemistry. Osmosis is the process that provides the primary means through which water travels in and out of the cells.
That's when the egg "splits" from the oviduct