Your federal income taxes are taxes that are taken by the federal government based on the amount of money you make during the year. These taxes come out on each paycheck and are deducted from your salary. At the end of the year, you are able to file a tax return and claim things against the money the government has taken from you to receive some back. This is known as filing your Federal Tax Return. When solving this question, we are assuming there are no deductions and we know that the federal income taxes are 10% of $42,500.
To solve, take $42,500 and multiply it by 10%, this will give you the total amount of income tax owed which is $4,250.
The answer is D a student with a high academic score
Beneficiary is the answer i think you are looking for!
It is an important factor in diet
People nowadays are very worried about their diet and they demand brands to mention everything which is included in the food. It is an important factor in the diet as it contains information from nutrients, fats, proteins and sodium. Overall, it is an important factor and most of the food authorities around the world have made laws to put nutrient facts panel on the food boxes.