The intermediate is carbocation.
The reaction of alkene with an acid to give alcohol is an electrophilic addition reaction.
In electrophilic reaction, the alkene is being attacked by an alkene.
in case of aqueous acid reaction with alkene , the electrophile is [H⁺].
When the proton attacks the alkene it generates carbocation.
The carbocation generated is formed based on stability of carbocation.
The mechanism is shown in the figure.

Hello there!
In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to calculate both moles and grams of lanthanum by using the Avogadro's number as a relationship of atoms to moles and its atomic mass as a relationship to moles to grams to obtain the following:

Explanation :
Because the energy is released during the process of glycolysis in cellular respiration and then the molecule is captured by the energy carrying molecule which is the ATP (adenosine triphosphate).