I believe the answer is D. The atmosphere, different layers of the atmosphere can help in different ways! The stratosphere helps protect us from the sun's rays; The Mesophere is what helps protect us from meteorites! It's so cold that they burn up in that area.
<h2> ncjchchdgshdihdyshfjgjfjfjfjfjfjfjcjfjfjcn jivk kvi</h2>
-I smell onions
-My dog weighs 45 pounds
-It is 85 degrees outside today
-My dog will bark at the vacuum cleaner
although he has never seen it before
-My mother is going to cook spaghetti for
supper next Tuesday
-It will be a long, hot summer
The textbook Would most likely have more gravitational potential energy because it is heavier. Things that are heavier have a larger gravitational pull and are pulled to the earth faster