You and your coworker together make $ 16 per hour. You know your coworker earns 10 percent more than you do. Your hourly wage is
$7.62 . After taking Math your hourly wage is raised to $ 12. This is a raise of 57.49 %.
After returning to work you can't help mentioning casually to your coworker that now you make ? How much % do you earn more than he does?
First you must find out how much your coworker makes. Since they make 10% more than you, you need to multiply your wage by 1.1, since 0.1 is 10% of 1. After doing this, find the percentage difference between your new wage and their wage. Your wage increase of 57.49% is computed by
so think in terms of this to find the percentage difference between your coworker's and your wage.